New tumors on Gary Carter’s brain
Gary Carter’s condition has worsened with the discovery of new tumors on his brain – his daughter said Thursday on the family’s blog.
Six months ago, Carter (57), the former Mets catcher, was found to have an aggressive brain cancer, glioblastoma, that has been treated with radiation and chemotherapy.
“I write these words with tears because I am so sad for my dad” – Kimmy Carter Bloemers said.
She said that one of her father’s doctors “will be coming to my parents’ house this evening to talk to the family about the next step.”
Carter has had an especially difficult week.
“Every day is exhausting and every move takes great effort” – Bloemers wrote.
Last Wednesday, Carter had an open gum wound treated by an oral surgeon. The next day, he fell in his doctor’s office — he also fell on Christmas Eve — and he is being treated for a torn rotator cuff.
Carter attended his annual golf tournament’s banquet on Sunday. Bloemers wrote – “Dad spoke a few words thanking everyone for being there and for all the support and prayers. He said he wants to feel better so he can continue to help others.”
He was at the tournament the next day in West Palm Beach, Fla., which benefits the Autism Project of Palm Beach County.
Gary Carter’s fight with brain cancer has turned from brave to extremely grave.
On Thursday, Carter’s family received a call from the doctors at Duke University who have been treating the Mets’ Hall of Fame catcher, informing them that the most recent MRI revealed “several new spots/tumors on his brain” – Carter’s daughter, Kimmy Bloemers, wrote on the family website.
In recent weeks, Carter’s condition has visibly worsened, and he began complaining of severe headaches, fatigue and balance problems that resulted in a fall on Christmas Day in which he tore his rotator cuff.
This past week, “The Kid” spent almost all of his time at his home in Palm Beach Gardens and was too weak Monday to attend his annual charity golf tournament a few miles away.
According to a family source – the doctors are now deciding whether to cease giving Carter any more treatment.
In a telephone conversation with the Daily News two weeks ago, Carter expressed his fear and frustration over his worsening condition and the devastation of the brain tumors that were first diagnosed in May of last year.
“I’m not feeling too good” – he told The News. “It’s been coming on and coming on. I’ve had a chest cold. I’ve got sores in my mouth, blood clots. I get sick. … There’s just so many things. … It’s been nine months now and I don’t feel any different from Day One. I haven’t been up to doing any interviews.”
On the website Thursday, Carter’s daughter reported: “Friday, my dad got two MRIs in North Palm Beach, Florida … one for his brain and one for shoulder/arm. … I wish I could report the results were good. … I write these words with tears because I am so sad for my dad. Dr. Jimmy Harris will be coming to my parents’ house this evening to talk to the family about the next step.”
One option being considered by doctors is to cease giving Carter any more treatment – according to the New York Daily News, quoting an unnamed family source.
“It’s horrible” – Jim Palmer, the Hall of Fame pitcher who is close friends with Carter, said by phone Thursday.
“I can’t imagine how difficult this has been on his family because they are so close-knit. When I talk to Sandy (Carter’s wife), the first thing I say is: ‘How are you doing?’ And usually her reply is ‘I’m hanging in there.’ ”
Carter spoke Sunday night at Ironhorse Country Club in West Palm Beach at the kick-off dinner to his 26th annual charity golf tournament.
He was too weak to stand at the podium and his speech was slightly slower than usual. “I’m not feeling all that good” – he said at one point in opening remarks that lasted about seven minutes.
Although he said that night he would try to attend the golf tournament Monday, he stayed home the following morning because he wasn’t feeling well.
Palmer served as master of ceremonies at the charity dinner Sunday night and introduced Carter to the crowd of more than 150 people. The charity raised money for autism, a disorder that affects Carter’s grandson and Palmer’s 15-year-old step-son.
Palmer said close friends knew Carter hadn’t been well for the past few weeks. But they weren’t surprised that he summoned the strength to attend the dinner.
“My wife Susan and I just mailed him a little note today thanking him for allowing me to be a part of that” – Palmer said.
“I said in my note: ‘I’m just thinking and praying for you.’ You know, there’s not a day that goes by when I’m working out at Ultima (gym) downtown and somebody doesn’t ask me how Gary is.”
Last Thursday, Carter fell as he was leaving a doctor’s appointment and re-aggravated a shoulder injury that he first sustained in a fall on Christmas Day.
On Friday, he had two MRIs – one for the brain and the other for his shoulder. The shoulder test showed a complete tear of his rotator cuff, which will require surgery, according to Bloemers.