Archive for February, 2014

Jimmy Fallon’s “Tonight Show” debut

Jimmy Fallon (the new host of the “Tonight” show) introduced himself to viewers on Monday like a freshly licensed doctor taking over a retiring gerontologist’s practice. Mister Fallon didn’t smirk or make sarcastic asides. He gently and earnestly explained that he is 39, lives in New York City, and has a wife and a new […]

Sochi Olympics and Google Doodle

Thursday’s Google Doodle is a not-so-subtle pre-Olympics shot at Russia’s less-than-stellar record on gay rights. The doodle (which is also featured on Google’s .ru Russia address) features a series of winter athletes set in rainbow colors, with a pointed quote from the Olympic Charter below Google’s search bar. Clicking the doodle itself also points users […]