Archive for the 'Politics' Category

Debate beetween Jerry Brown and Meg Whitman

If you’re a Californian with over 20 years in the state, you don’t have to pay much attention to the video replays to know that Jerry Brown was light years ahead of Meg Whitman in Tuesday’s debate. Simply put, Meg Whitman came off as a policy wonk with bad hair, whereas Jerry Brown appeared as […]

Mikhail S. Gorbachev, Louis Vuitton and murder of Litvinenko in London.

Do you see new Louis Vuitton Advertising? The last president of USSR Mikhail S. Gorbachev is featured in a car, a Louis Vuitton bag at his side and the Berlin Wall in the background. But what is the book at the top of the bag? Increase and overturn… This book in Russian “Murder of Litvinenko. […]

Scandalous video of New York City Councilman James Oddo

Republican Jammes Oddo became irate when he realized the attractive,  seemingly harmless young woman-reporter who sat before him last week for an interview in his office was really a comedienne of note for the Norwegian program “Rickets Rost”. Youtube video: James Oddo exploding at reporter Pia Haraldsen after she asked whether Obama could legally […]

Story from National Enquirer: John Edwards and Ann Coulter.

Ann Coulter claimed on Tucker Carlson that she has proof that John Edwards had 18-month affair on his wife Elizabeth Edwards. Carlson called it the stuff of the National Enquirer, but Coulter insisted it is true. She said she’d have more details on her Web site. A source close to the woman says that she […]