Mike Huckabee will not be President in 2012

Now that it is official that Mike Huckabee will not be running for President in 2012. What is going on “behind the scenes” well it looks like The Donald and Mike are more than just acquaintances. They are developing into a political heavyweight combo. At every opportunity on the stump Donald Trump is waxing lyrical about the political experience and strengths of Mike Huckabee. This unison makes sense The Donald is the “Mr Fixit” the businessman, and Mike Huckabee is the experienced seasoned well liked politician. Joining together provides cover for the strengths and weaknesses of each individually, this is a very shrewd political move that with a little more fine tuning should carry the Trump-Huckabee ticket right onto the lawn of The White House where the doors will open for the new President of the United States Donald Trump.
Anyone having any doubts about the prospects of Donald Trump bringing on board Mike Huckabee as his running mate, should study the pluses that this dynamic team will bring to the Election 2012 voting process.
Both these guys relate and connect seamlessly with the voting public, they tell the voters how it is, not how they want it to be. These strengths will ensure millions vote for Trump-Huckabee ensuring that Barack Obama is a one term president!

Mike Huckabee will not be President in 2012
Mike Huckabee.

Washington – Mike Huckabee’s decision to forgo a shot at the presidency further muddies the field for a worthy Republican challenger to President Barack Obama, and leaves America’s social conservatives without a clear candidate to throw their support behind.
Huckabee on Saturday night became the latest Republican to opt out of running, declaring that he would stick with his lucrative career as a television and radio personality over a race that promises to be both costly and caustic. By joining Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, South Dakota Sen. John Thune and Indiana Rep. Mike Pence on the sidelines, the former Arkansas governor underlined that for all of Obama’s vulnerabilities on the economy, taking on his re-election machine and potential 1 billion dollars treasure chest remains a daunting task.The 55-year-old Baptist minister insisted that he could have captured the GOP nomination, citing polls that showed he could score strong even in the Northeast and among the less conservative rank-and-file party members. “All the factors say go, but my heart says no” – Huckabee (the winner of the 2008 Iowa caucuses) said on his Fox News Channel show.
The announcement makes an already wide-open Republican field even more unpredictable.
Huckabee is a prominent conservative who would have been a serious contender for the party nod with instant support among Christian evangelicals who dominate the Iowa caucuses and the early South Carolina primary. And with him out of the race, there is no clear candidate out there to for them to rally around.
Onetime House Speaker Newt Gingrich has been making a concerted effort to reach out to the right. Although he’s been noting his recent conversion to Catholicism, he’s hampered by two divorces and an adulterous history. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney must explain his change of heart over the years on positions on guns, gay rights and abortion; health care also is a problem for him. Minnesota’s ex-governor, Tim Pawlenty, has had to apologize for backing climate change legislation. Donald Trump? Highly unlikely.

New York – On Saturday (May 14) former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee announced during his weekend cable talk show that he will not be seeking the Republican Party’s nomination for the presidency this year.
Huckabee’s decision comes after he was leading or placing second in early national polls gauging who the GOP presidential nominee might be and whose appeal as a former Baptist minister to conservative Christians helped him win the Iowa caucuses while pursuing his party’s nomination there in January 2008.
Also supportive of Huckabee’s potential decision to run were his wife Janet and adult children John Mark, David and Sarah.
Despite favorable poll numbers and hints of strong financial support, Huckabee said: “all the factors say go, but my heart says no” on his Fox News Channel show ‘Huckabee,’ which is prerecorded in New York City and later broadcast at 8 p.m. ET.”Under the best of circumstances, being president is a job that takes one to the limit of his or her human capacity” – Huckabee said during the last 10 minutes of his hour-long talk show after interviewing ‘Extra’ host Mario Lopez and playing bass guitar while Ted Nugent sang ‘Cat Scratch Fever.’
“For me to do it apart from an inner confidence that I was undertaking it with God’s full blessing is simply unthinkable” – Huckabee said. “I don’t expect everyone to understand this, but I’m a believer and follower of Jesus Christ. That relationship is far more important to me than any political office. For me, the decision is ultimately not a political one, a financial one, or even a practical one – it’s a spiritual one.”

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